




1. 简介... - 1 -

1.1 组件的两面性(Two Sides of a Component... - 1 -

展现层... - 1 -

句柄... - 1 -

1.2页面和渲染(Page and Rendering... - 1 -

非渲染解析(The Non-Rendering Phases... - 2 -

渲染解析(The Rendering Phase... - 2 -

模式(Molds... - 2 -

1.3 开发组件三部曲(Trilogy of Component Development... - 3 -

开发展现层Development of View.. - 3 -

HTML标记 HTML Tags... - 3 -

JavaScript 方法(JavaScript Methods... - 4 -

句柄的开发(Development of Handle... - 4 -

配置(Configuration... - 4 -

2. 句柄Handle. - 5 -

主要的实现(Skeletal Implementations... - 5 -

org.zkoss.zk.ui.AbstractComponent ... - 5 -

与客户端交互的方法集(Utilities to Communicate with the Client... - 6 -

生成展现层的方法(Utilities to Generate the View... - 7 -

额外控制(Extra Controls... - 7 -

org.zkoss.zk.ui.HtmlBasedComponent ... - 7 -

生成页面的方法Utilities to Generate the View.. - 7 -

org.zkoss.zul.impl.XulElement ... - 8 -

生成页面的方法Utilities to Generate the View.. - 8 -

与客户端的交互Communication with the Client - 9 -

客户端的回复Response to the Client - 9 -

Invalidates方法... - 9 -

Smart Updates方法... - 9 -

AU Responses方法... - 10 -

发送到客户端的请求(Request to the Server... - 11 -

命令(Command... - 11 -

事件(Event... - 12 -

各式各样诸多的特性(Miscellaneous Features... - 12 -

Drag-and-Drop, Tooltip Context Menu. - 12 -

Click, Right Click and Double Click. - 12 -

3.展现层... - 13 -

HTML标记(HTML tags... - 13 -

渲染中获取组件(Retrieve Component Being Rendered... - 13 -

DSP文件的位置(DSP File Location... - 14 -

组件渲染器(Component Renderer... - 14 -

JavaScript 代码... - 15 -

组件类型(Component Type... - 15 -

JavaScript 文件的位置(JavaScript File Location... - 16 -

初始化和清除(Initialization and Cleanup... - 16 -

初始化(Initialization... - 16 -

清除(Cleanup... - 16 -

事件处理(Event Handling... - 16 -

与服务器端的交互(Communicate with the Server... - 18 -

JavaScript 方法 JavaScript Utilities... - 26 -




1 楼 ztw1122 2017-05-06  


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